Saturday, August 22, 2009

The other side of the Pond.

Now that my regular place to feed the fish has been fenced off I have had to move to the far side of the pond nearly 500 feet away. I arrived and immediately started banging my rocks together and found all the small ones immediately came over as they remember me and the whole process of feeding them. Then My other larger fish from the my favorite place soon came over. I was allowed to touch them and that pleased me. I see that they get excited when they see the plastic bag because they understand that means more food. Today I let the big brown trout have alot of the Hotdog. he ate nearly two hotdogs himself. At one point I gave him half a hot dog which he swallowed totally. he immediately came back for more too. So I started chewing up the Hotdogs in my mouth into small pieces them throw them over a wide area so everyone gets some. Other wise the trout just chases the smaller fish away and they stay away as well until I do this. The carp and trout do not seem to be competitive towards each other. Instead they just leave each other alone.

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