Monday, September 7, 2009

Fisherman at my secret spot.

Well it's finally nice and so I have been visiting the lake seeing the fish that have all become friendly with me again over another summer. So I walked the scenic route in and tried to call the fish over to the new spot. All the small locals fish responded though, so they seem to have caught on with my modus operendi. While there I spotted someone on my rock getting out of the water. I was surprised because he had his clothes on so I decided to go on over. As I got nearer I think I saw a fishing rod was was a little frightened for the fish there. I could also see them swimming about. So I went over and introduced myself and told this english speaking gentleman what the deal was with these fish and how they were basically hanging out here waiting for me.

Out of the side of my eye I could see the whole group of fish,two large Carp, four medium Bass, and a few sun fish. So I shared my stories with him, a guy of about 3o something. He listened and was amazed and told me when he got there how the fish managed to snag his fishing rod and pull it in the water. So he went in to retrieve it. Eventually he gave up his spot to me and I managed to touch the largest of the Bass under it's chin . Even the inbetween size fish let me touch them. The Carp seemed friendlier than usual and so I also fed them. After a while, I think the guy decided to not fish these fish and move on to other areas of the Park. The next day i went down and they were indeed all there. The Bass didn't really let me touch them but the largest carp allowed me the most touch to date. It's almost two feet long ,the large one and it almost took food from my hand as well. I was pleased.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Final Swim @ Trout Lake

I think I had my final swimm at Trout lake today. The water is quite cool but still tolerable. The fish came about and I didn't waste time swimming with them. I fed three different varieties , in five different areas. A lady dropped by with her two dogs so I had fun with them in the water. Then the two ducks showed up as usual and all was well.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tree View

Seven days later

I go down to the isalnd and find the big fish mostly gone. One fish responds to my banging of the rocks and feeds on the sausage. I switch places and eventually see the carp but they only swimm by and ignore me. I guess the contact might be over here for the summer. I join Julia and Byron who areswimming near by.